Hornet Athletic Center
6000 J St, Sacramento, CA 95819
In 2015, California firms exported to 229 foreign markets. Are you exporting? If not, why not?
Join the California Asian Pacific Chamber of Commerce (CalAsian) at our 5th Annual How to do Business in the Pacific Rim event. California is one of the 10 largest economies in the world, with much of our state benefiting for international trade, tourism and investment.
Come learn how others are leveraging our strategic Pacific Rim location and California brand to increase revenues, secure financing, recruit tourists, and leverage data for economic growth. our issue experts fro the commerce, tourism, logistics, and marketing will share their insights on ways to help you grow your business, organization, or community.
Register and attend this event to hear from others, gain valuable insights, and learn what you can do to drive international business to your doorstep. Contact us today!