101 Gateway Rd E
Napa, CA 94558
FSPCA Preventive Controls For Human Food (Spanish)
3 sessions
#1. 12 Jul 2017, 8AM to 5PM (PDT)
#2. 13 Jul 2017, 8AM to 5PM (PDT)
#3. 14 Jul 2017, 8AM to Noon (PDT)
REGISTRATION Early Bird Ends June 21
1-2 Attendees – Save $60 per attendee – $830.00
Registration is for 1 attendee, additional guests/attendees can be added during the registration process.
3+ Attendees – Save $110 per attendee – $780.00
Early Bird discount for 3+ only available for attendees from same company.
The FSPCA training materials are designed to meet the requirements for training under Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations Part 117.155 for the Preventive Controls “Qualified Individual” who conducts Food Safety Plan activities such as developing and reviewing a food safety plan, validating preventive controls, verifying and validating process controls among others. Attending an FSPCA course will provide assurances that the course content and resulting knowledge is consistent with regulatory expectations. Each facility registered with the FDA is required to have a Preventive Control Qualified Individual PCQI.
A preventive controls qualified individual is a person who has successfully completed training in the development and application of risk-based preventive controls at least equivalent to that received under the standardized curriculum from FSPCA.
The FSPCA program is based on collaboration among federal and state regulatory officials (FDA), academic food safety researchers and educators, and U.S. food industry representatives. This program is delivered by a FSPCA Lead Instructor.
This course meets the Preventive Controls Qualified Individual Training requirements. The participants will receive FSPCA Preventive Controls Qualified Individual certificate issued by AFDO.
Includes: Morning and afternoon snack breaks, Lunch, Course Materials and Certificate of Attendance.
Parking – Free parking
Hotel Booking – Springhill Suites 707-253-1900
REGISTRATION CLOSES July 10, no refunds will be given after July 25. Registrations may be transferred to another person from the same organization for the scheduled class. Cancellation fee before July 25, 2017 $250.00