2018 SJV Manufacturing Summit: Valley Made

May 17, 2018 @ 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
Fresno Convention Center
700 M St
Fresno, CA 93721
Erik Cherkaski
559 278 4575

The San Joaquin Valley Manufacturing Summit kicked off its inaugural event in 2015, hosted as a joint venture between Fresno State’s Office of Community and Economic Development (OCED) and the California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley. That first annual event had 371 attendees, 41 exhibitors and 35 sponsors. Each year, the attendance, exhibitors and sponsorship has grown significantly.

The Third Annual Manufacturing Summit, held in 2017, was the first of these events held by SJVMA in its first year of operation. With nearly 800 in attendance, 85 vendors and 31 sponsors, the all-day event was a tremendous success. Working with our education partners, nearly 150 students from regional manufacturing programs were in attendance – many of them leaving the Summit with jobs.

We are excited to continue the tradition with our 4th Annual Manufacturing Summit – Valley Made. The 2018 Summit will be held on May 17th at the Fresno Convention Center Exhibit Hall.

Our keynote speaker will be Josh Linkner – a five-time tech entrepreneur, hyper-growth CEO, two-time NY Times bestselling author, venture capitalist, and keynote speaker on a mission to drive creativity, innovation, and reinvention. As a Detroit native from a manufacturing family, Josh is a can’t-miss part of the 2018 Summit.

With many valuable partners and regional manufacturing industry attendees anticipated, we are excited to focus on the Valley’s manufacturers and celebrate a long history of innovation, while looking forward to a prosperous future where the industry thrives with a world-class workforce and unprecedented cross-sector collaboration – all aimed at creating a globally-competitive environment for our manufacturing industry.