Above. Secretary Karen Ross (center), California Department of Food and Agriculture, and Secretary Alexis Podesta (left), California Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency (holding frame), and supporters (from left) Robert Sanger, California Manufacturers and Technology Association; Gene Russell, Manex; Tammy Cronin, Valley Vision; Dorothy Rothrock, California Manufacturers and Technology Association; Dan Ripke and Michael Suplita, Chico State Center for Economic Development; and Ismael Herrera, Fresno State Office of Community and Economic Development.
November 1, 2017
FRESNO- Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2017, ended a month-long set of manufacturing events in the San Joaquin Valley and was recognized by the Office of Governor Jerry Brown as Manufacturing Awareness and Appreciation Month. In honor of this declaration, the governor hosted a photo op with Secretary Karen Ross, Department of Food and Agriculture, and Secretary Alexis Podesta, Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency, who presented the proclamation to manufacturing representatives and supporters.
“The manufacturing sector is crucial to the California economy, and I thank them for their contributions,” as stated in Governor Brown’s proclamation.
Manufacturing Month kicked off on Tuesday, October 3, with numerous local manufacturers opening their facilities for guided tours to high school students interested in manufacturing careers, and was followed by the official Manufacturing Day on Friday, October 6.
On October 18, Fresno County Office of Education hosted the Career Tech Expo in Fresno, providing students and parents insights on the many career options available in industry sectors. Thousands attended the Expo which included hundreds of businesses and exhibitors.
Friday, October 20, marked the groundbreaking for the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools Career Technical Education Charter. Set to open summer 2018, the high school will welcome a freshman class of 125 in a program that links education directly to industry career opportunities.
On Thursday, October 26, the Office of Community and Economic Development co-hosted the inaugural South Valley Industrial Summit in Tulare, Calif. The Summit provided the opportunity to recognize the achievements by industry-led, community-supported partnerships that reinforce economic growth in the South San Joaquin Valley. More than 200 people attended the event which included breakout sessions with discussions on a wide range of topics. Representatives from Faraday Future, the electric vehicle startup company which recently opened a Hanford facility, and electric bus manufacturer GreenPower Bus gave keynotes.
Business and industry exhibitors were available for participants to get more information. | Faraday Future representatives give keynote at the Summit. | |
To learn more about the Summit, go to: http://centralvalleymfg.com/home/south-san-joaquin-valley-industrial-summit/ |